Our FAITH Groups connect throughout the week to study God’s Word, build relationships, and offer support and care. They are a great way to stay connected in a time when we can feel anything but. There are several group options - one is sure to fit whatever walk of life in which you find yourself. You can connect to our groups via in-person and virtual meetings via laptop, tablet, cell phone, or landline.
For more information about our FAITH Groups, visit the FAITH Groups page or email groups@faithbc.net
Our Kids Ministry is growing and we need volunteers who will share Jesus and love on the littlest members of the FAITH family. We need help on Sunday mornings as well as Wednesday evening. This will easily be the most rewarding thing you have ever done. Register to help and someone will be in touch.
Leading worship on the Modern Worship Team is an incredibly fun, sincerely joyful opportunity to use whatever gifts God has given us to worship Him and encourage His Church to engage with His Spirit. We would love to have you serving along with us. Please take a few minutes to fill out the application for any of the positions in which you would like to serve.
For more information email jeff@faithbc.net